Saturday, February 25, 2012

EOT article (early debut)...This message can't wait for more than a week!

Greetings Perham,
            This week has seemed a bit more usual as I’ve been back at school. It’s always great to be back into the “groove” again after returning home from several fabulous weekends traveling the country. I want to personally congratulate the girl’s gymnastic team for taking fourth place at State! Way to represent our community. 
            I want to focus this weeks article on the importance of safe driving. In the last week, many deaths have taken place in North Dakota.  As a Jamestown College student I have witnessed the effects it has brought to the state. Right now many individuals are mourning the loss of loved ones.
Many of us know how to drive in interesting weather conditions. Growing up in Minnesota was the perfect place to learn road conditions from dry, wet, icy, or full of snow. I don’t doubt many of you feel confident in these conditions. However, our judgment of choosing when and when not to drive is our most crucial decision. Sometimes deciding not to drive may mean postponing an errand, being a few minutes late to work, or simply choosing to stay home. The situation can often be frustrating, but could potentially save our lives.
I would like to challenge all of you who are parents. Discuss safe driving skills with your children, take their keys if need be, or offer to take them places yourself if necessary. Teen drivers, be sure to take extra caution on the roads, and don’t stretch your limits. If you have to wait until another weekend to go out to eat with friends, it will be ok. I would also encourage every driver to keep a winter survival kit in your car. Let’s be safe drivers, so we all see our summer days that are fast approaching.  

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