Sunday, May 6, 2012

Top 25 Lessons of my freshman year. :)

Greetings readers,

Well, as most of you know I just finished my freshman year of college studying music education in Jamestown, ND. I had a wonderful year. One that is filled with many new and exciting experiences, many of which I never thought or knew would come my way. 

Throughout the year I leaned many new things, many of which, I like to call my life lessons for the year. Some of them are hilarious, serious, meaningful, and ones that I learned in the midst of fear of the unknown. I'm sure every person who has "survived" their first year of college can tell you it's the biggest "growing" year. I'm thrilled to share the lessons I learned. I hope as you read you can find ways they relate to your own life. :) Enjoy!

My 2011-2012 College Life Lessons. 
Jamestown College, ND 

#1 Be sure to always make sure you have access to "man power..." if you are a female ;) You will need help carrying your extra large wardrobe up many flights of stairs. Not to mention, if you need assistance setting up a loft, they will save you extra hassle, time, and will liberate you from looking like a complete fool. ;) 

#2 Now that you are in college school work turns into your life. You do homework every chance you get, you can spend up to an hour on one math problem, an entire week to write a three page paper, and hours upon hours in the practice room. :) 

#3 You no longer go to school from 8 am to 3:30, it starts when you are awakened to an alarm and the day ends when you hit your pillow. 

#4 Sometimes the struggle to understand a course or assignment will actually inspire, challenge, motivate, and make you push yourself beyond what you thought possible. :) 

#5 Learning how to "dictate" music makes you think critically about music all the time. When you sing hymns in a church you will now be searching for the key, time signature, establishing where "do" is, and determining what kind of conducting pattern you would use if you were in front of a choir. (shout out for my music fellows!) 

#6 Your friends are now your family. They will be your immediate access support system. Love you guys! 

#7 Sometimes you have to pretend you know what you are doing, just to survive! ;) 

#8 Instead of going out to eat with your friends or to a movie with your friends like you would in high school, study parties are now what you do to hang out.

#9 Taking a break is essential to staying sane. It's ok to stop studying for just a few minutes. 

#10 You will now have a deeper appreciation for your family. Phone calls, cards, and even occasional visits can leave you a bit teary eyed. 

#11 Leaving your comfort zone is the key to growth as an individual....exactly what college is. 

#12 Appreciate a busy schedule, one that demands more than you think you can even fulfill. 

#13 Sometimes you have to except the fact that you may fail time and time again before you see any success or improvement. 

#14 The days are LONG, weeks are fast, months fly!!! 

#15 The salad bar and fruit bowl is your best friend in the cafeteria. It's your only source of healthy options! 

#16 Freshman fifteen avoidable? Absolutely, if you head to the gym 5 days a week. (especially, if you have a swimsuit competition in June of 2012, one month after your first year of college ;)) Shout out to my pageant peeps! 

#17 If your appreciation starts to fade for your subject area, get INSPIRED fast!!! If you don't goals start to get hazy. 

#18 Get involved!! Take every opportunity to travel, meet new people, and be challenged! 

#19 The people you meet are the highlight of your year. You may encounter someone you never thought you would meet. Be thankful for new faces and all of the names you may have to memorize. 

#20 Getting extra help from your professors will hold you accountable. 

#21 Taking time to visit your community and the people you miss the most will be your source of encouragement. Without those emails, calls, and visits the home sickness will sink in really fast. 

#22 Your roommate will become your sister! Love you, Taylor! 

#23 Your relationship with the Lord will continue to mean more and more as you face new challenges. Relying on the Him will encompass an entirely new and exciting meaning. 

#24 Taping quotes, inspirations, and bible scriptures all over your dorm room will remind you to keep going when you feel like you can't. 

#25 As challenging as college is- don't wish the time away! Being uncomfortable, challenged, stressed, and inspired will bring you to paths you have never trod...and it's ok! ;) 

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