Sunday, September 11, 2011

Choir trip to Bismark, Miss Moorhead and Miss RRVOT Pageant, and Remembering 911

Kelly and I at our 1st Choir Concert in Bismark
My great friend Bailey and I at Miss Moorhead and Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen 

My roommate Taylor and I in Bismark 
Hello all,

I've been a busy girl here in Jamestown and the surrounding areas. It's been an incredible ride! This week will mark Week 4 of college. I hope you are doing well!

Yesterday I traveled to Bismark, ND with the Concert Choir. We were invited to perform at the Fine Arts Festival. I was very excited to experience my first college choir performance. We spent the morning rehearsing and enjoyed a lunch provided by the church we were performed. The choir sang five numbers for a very receptive audience. I beamed when the audience stood after our program concluded. My first experience exceeded my expectations.

After returning to Jamestown I eat a quick supper, and got ready to head to Moorhead for the Miss Moorhead and Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen Pageant. At 6:25 I arrived at Moorhead High in perfect time to find my seat and enjoy the show. Congratulations to Ali Vali, Miss Moorhead 2011 and Ellie Bauchmann, Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen 2011. I am excited for the both of you! It was great to see familiar faces and enjoy the company of my pageant family. :) After the pageant I enjoyed a meal at Perkins with my great friend, Bailey and headed back to Jamestown.

10 years ago I was 8 years old, and our Nation experienced the tragedy of 9/11. As an 8 year old child I didn't understand the turmoil our Nation and it's people were experiencing. However, today as an 18 year old young women I have experienced and come to appreciate our Nation even more.

In January of 2010 my high school Concert Choir traveled to New York City to perform at Carneige Hall. I saw and experienced many incredible sights; Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Broadway, Central Park, and Carneige Hall. Towards the end of the trip our choir visited Ground Zero. I didn't know what to expect or how I would react to setting foot at Ground Zero. I can't describe every profound detail perfectly. Ground Zero is such a humbling experience and challenges each person to have gratitude. Gratitude, for the people who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. At the end of the tour our choir saw "The Cross." Beams from the towers fell and created this cross on 9/11. On the left side is a fireman's jacket which melted to the cross. Today it stands proudly at Ground Zero as a symbol of hope for all. The Cross is my favorite memory from visiting Ground Zero.

I challenge you today on the anniversary of 9/11 to appreciate all that surrounds you. Your family, friends, health, and home can be changed in an instant, just as it did for many on 9/11. Have gratitude for  the people who sacrificed their lives and for their families who live without them. May we never forget the heros of 9/11.

Many blessings,

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