Sunday, August 28, 2011

EOT Focus articles. :)

Hello everyone! I hope all of you are doing well. :) College in Jamestown, ND is going well. It's been a bit of an adjustment, but quite new and exciting. 

For the past two weeks I have been submitting articles to the EOT Focus. During my year as Miss Perham I will weekly be sharing my news, experiences, and inspirations all the way from Jamestown, ND. I was hoping I would be able to link my articles from the EOT Focus website, but they are only published in print. So here is my article from last week. Be sure to purchase the EOT Focus to see it in print. Otherwise, I'll be posting it here as well. 

Much love to all of you! I hope you enjoy my "little inspirations."

(8.25.11 Article) Hello from Jamestown College in Jamestown, ND! This week I moved into my new home for the next nine months. Classes have begun and the experience has been quite a thrill. I’m really looking forward to all of the adventures this year at college will bring. It’s been quite a journey already! 
Last week I had the opportunity of introducing myself and sharing a little about my appearances, and my platform. I had a great time at the Vergas Looney Days Parade and at my last turtle race of the season. The sight of people celebrating community is so great to see. 
I hope you find yourself celebrating community often and appreciating the encounters you have with individuals around you. Whether it be your mother, father, brother, sister, friend, boss, or coworker, I encourage you to appreciate each one of them. Not only appreciate them, but appreciate where they are in their journey of life. Encourage them, inspire them, and give thanks for them.   Every person you encounter in our community is unique, special, and has a gift of their own to share with you. As I have met many incredible people this week at college, I have also been reminded of the special individuals who have been present in my life for a long time. Many of these people happen to live, work, and play in Perham, Minnesota. 
As your Miss Perham I often remind myself of how blessed I am to be an ambassador for this community. From Jamestown, ND I still hold and carry the responsibility of representing you. These next few weeks I hope to get more involved in the community of Jamestown and get connected with the Jamestown tobacco-free coalition. I am excited to continue sharing my thoughts, inspirations, and exciting news from week to week all the way from Jamestown, ND! 
Many Blessings!

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